*Terms and conditions apply
Hotel & Resort Discount Offer with UCB Cards
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the offer?
All UCB Debit, Credit & Prepaid Cardholders can enjoy the following discounts offer at UCB partnered
Hotel & Resorts listed below:
Offer Details:
Sl. Hotel & Resort Name Discount Offer Reservation
1. Best Western Heritage
45% discount on room rate during peak season
50% discount on room rate during off peak season
10% on food at Inani All day dining restaurant
50% on Ball Room, & Meeting Room
2. Dera Resort & Spa
Hotel & Resort Discount Offer with UCB Cards
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the offer?
All UCB Debit, Credit & Prepaid Cardholders can enjoy the following discounts offer at UCB partnered
Hotel & Resorts listed below:
Offer Details:
Sl. Hotel & Resort Name Discount Offer Reservation
1. Best Western Heritage
45% discount on room rate during peak season
50% discount on room rate during off peak season
10% on food at Inani All day dining restaurant
50% on Ball Room, & Meeting Room
2. Dera Resort & Spa
40% Discount on Peak Season
50% Discount on Off Peak Season 01896001112
3. D’more Hotel & Resort
50% discount on rooms & suites in off–peak season
30% discount on rooms & suites in peak season
10% discount on A–la–cart Menu at all restaurants.
15% discount on Spa Service.
4. Hotel Sea Palace
50% Discount on Off Peak Season 01896001112
3. D’more Hotel & Resort
50% discount on rooms & suites in off–peak season
30% discount on rooms & suites in peak season
10% discount on A–la–cart Menu at all restaurants.
15% discount on Spa Service.
4. Hotel Sea Palace
40% discount on Room in off–peak (April to September)
20% discount on Room in peak season 01714652227
5. Hotel The Cox Today
50% discount on Room rent during OFF–PEAK
30% discount on Room (Oct – Mar)
20% discount on Fitness Center
6. Jol Torongo
5% extra discount on room rent
50% discount on all venue
10% discount on A–La–Carte menu
7. Long Beach Hotel &
50% discount on room during off peak season
40% discount on room during Peak season 09666772266
8. Labah Tong Hill Resort
20% discount on Room in peak season 01714652227
5. Hotel The Cox Today
50% discount on Room rent during OFF–PEAK
30% discount on Room (Oct – Mar)
20% discount on Fitness Center
6. Jol Torongo
5% extra discount on room rent
50% discount on all venue
10% discount on A–La–Carte menu
7. Long Beach Hotel &
50% discount on room during off peak season
40% discount on room during Peak season 09666772266
8. Labah Tong Hill Resort
10% extra discount on any published discount
15% discount on Food 01726881013
9. Praasad Paradise
55% discount on room during off peak season
40% discount on room during peak season
10% discount on Food price
10. Seagull Hotel
40% discount on room during weekends
45% discount on room during weekdays
10% on food menu
11. Sea Pearl Beach Resort
& Spa
50% discount on room rent; or 5% extra discount on on–
going Promotion, whichever is higher;
15% discount on Sea Pearl Water Park ticket
12. Maui Resort Limited
15% discount on Food 01726881013
9. Praasad Paradise
55% discount on room during off peak season
40% discount on room during peak season
10% discount on Food price
10. Seagull Hotel
40% discount on room during weekends
45% discount on room during weekdays
10% on food menu
11. Sea Pearl Beach Resort
& Spa
50% discount on room rent; or 5% extra discount on on–
going Promotion, whichever is higher;
15% discount on Sea Pearl Water Park ticket
12. Maui Resort Limited
50% discount on Off–Peak Season
30% discount on Peak Season 01889983162
13. Hotel Inani Long Bay
30% discount on Peak Season 01889983162
13. Hotel Inani Long Bay
50% discount on peak season
60% discount on off peak season 01995599889
14. Ramada By Wyndham
50% Discount on room rate at during peak season
60% discount on room rate during off–peak season
10% discount on A la Carte menu
25% Discount on SPA
50% Discount on Banquet/Conference
60% discount on off peak season 01995599889
14. Ramada By Wyndham
50% Discount on room rate at during peak season
60% discount on room rate during off–peak season
10% discount on A la Carte menu
25% Discount on SPA
50% Discount on Banquet/Conference
Who are eligible for this offer?
All UCB Debit, Credit and Prepaid Cardholders are eligible for this offer.
*Terms and conditions apply
What is the offer validity?
This offer is valid until further notice.
What is meant by Peak and Off–Peak Season?
Peak season refers to October to March, while Off–Peak season refers to April to September each year.
What is the cancellation & refund policy?
As per the policy of respective partnered hotel & resorts.
What is the operation Policy?
UCB and respective partner hotels & resort authority reserve the right to amend, or cancel the offer any
time without taking liability.